Before registering, please make sure you have your current Adams Cable Service bill in front of you to find the required information.

Open the bill pay login page located here and click the "Register for the first time" link in red.

1. E-mail Address

Select an e-mail address. The e-mail address will be your login for bill pay system and will be used to verify your account and password reset information. The Verification email will come from: Adams Customer Care <[email protected]>

2/3. Password

Choose your desired password and confirm it in the box below.

Passwords must be at least (7) characters and contain one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, and one number

4. Account Number

Enter the last six digits of your account number. Your account number can be found on the top left corner of your bill.

5. Phone Number

Enter the phone number associated with your Adams Cable account

6a. Last Bill Amount

The account balance total located on your bill

6b. Document ID

While creating your cable account you gave us either your Social Security Number or a Drivers License number for ID purposes. Please enter the last 4 digits of the identification you provided.

Click the Register Button

Once the above form is completed, an account verification e-mail will be sent to the e-mail provided above. 

Follow the link to complete your bill pay registration.